• Copper Conc. TC 25%min CIF Chinadown(-1)  03-14|Bismuth Ingot 99.99%min EXW Chinaup(10000)  03-14|Bismuth Oxide 99.9%min EXW Chinaup(10000)  03-14|Bismuth Ingot 99.99%min FOB Chinaup(0.6)  03-14|Bismuth Ingot 99.99%min Delivered Europeup(0.6)  03-14|Bismuth Ingot 99.99%min Delivered USup(0.6)  03-14|Cobalt Tetroxide 73.5%min Delivered Chinaup(8)  03-14|Cobalt Metal 99.8%min In warehouse Rotterdamup(0.5)  03-14|LNCMO 523 PC Delivered Chinaup(5)  03-14|Cobalt Sulfate 20.5%min Delivered Chinaup(2000)  03-14|Cobalt Chloride 24%min Delivered Chinaup(2000)  03-14|LNCMO 523 SC Delivered Chinaup(5)  03-14|Met. Coke A 13%max, S 0.7%max EXW Shanxidown(-50)  03-14|Bismuth Ingot 99.99%min Delivered Indiaup(50)  03-14
  • AsianMetal
    Events & Holidays

    2011 Annual Report on Zinc Market

    2012-05-04 15:16:32   【Print】
    The following is a brief synopsis of the report. Your access is restricted as it is a subscription based service.
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    1 Base attribute of zinc. 1

    1.1 Zinc characteristics. 1

    1.2 Zinc main applications. 1

    1.2.1 Galvanization. 1

    1.2.2 Casting zinc alloy. 1

    1.2.3 Manufacture copper alloy (brass) 2

    1.2.4 Manufacture zinc oxide. 2

    1.2.5 Manufacture dry cell with zinc cake and zinc plate. 2

    1.2 Global zinc ore reserves and output 3

    1.3 Zinc ore reserves and output in China. 4

    2 Macro-economy Review. 4

    2.1 US second quantitative easing monetary policy supports non-ferrous metal on the high level in H1  4

    2.2 With the expansion of European debt crisis, the non-ferrous metal keeps on the downward path in H2  5

    2.2.1 Rapid expansion of European debt crisis. 5

    2.2.2 European debt crisis trend. 5

    2.3 The speed of economic growth in BRICs slows down. 6

    2.3.1 Indian rupee devalues sharply whilst the economic growth runs slowly due to inflation at a high level 6

    2.3.2 China tightens monetary policies and real estate prices fall back. 6

    2.4 Outlook of global economy and non-ferrous metal prices prediction in 2012. 8

    2.4.1 Global economy tends to run slowly. 8

    2.4.2 US dollar strengthening hits non-ferrous metal prices. 9

    2.4.3 Strong oil prices help non-ferrous metal prices to stop declining. 9

    3 Output data analysis. 10

    3.1 China zinc concentrate production up by 20.5% YOY in 2011. 10

    3.2 China refined zinc production up by 3.8% YOY in 2011. 12

    3.3. Increase rate of zinc oxide production slows down in 2011. 14

    4 Import and export data. 20

    4.1 China zinc concentrate/ore import down by 9.28% YOY in 2011. 20

    4.2 Chinese refined zinc import increases slightly in 2011. 22

    4.3 Zinc oxide import down by 11.Asian Metal Copyright 20 4.Asian Metal Copyright4% year on year from Jan.Asian Metal Copyright2 US dollar strengthening hits non-ferrous metal prices.Asian Metal Copyright to Dec. in 2011. 23

    4.4 Zinc powder import down by 32.Asian Metal Copyright4.Asian Metal Copyright2% year on year from Jan.Asian Metal Copyright 26 Picture 19 Global refined zinc output and consumption 2005-2011.Asian Metal Copyright to Dec. in 2011. 25

    5. Zinc market supply and demand. 27

    5.1 Zinc market oversupply increases globally in 2011. 27

    5.2 Chinese zinc market demand soft landing. 28

    6 Market review. 29

    6.1 LME zinc prices decrease sharply in H2. 29

    6.2 Zinc concentrate prices decrease with fluctuations in 2011. 30

    6.3 Zinc smelting enterprises bear losses in 2011. 31

    6.4 Hot-galvanizing zinc alloy demand declines. 32

    6.5 Poor prospect for die-casting zinc alloy market in China. 33

    6.6 Zinc oxide market 34

    6.6.1 The price of zinc oxide produced from zinc ingot dropped gradually. 34

    6.6.2 Zinc oxide produced from zinc scrap market remained steady. 35

    6.6.3 Zinc oxide 85-99%min market kept steady early half-year weakened late half-year 36

    6.7 Zinc powder market 36

    6.7.1 Ultrafine zinc powder market deals weaken. 37

    5.7.2 Zinc powder metal market remained dull 38

    6.7.3 Mercury-free zinc powder market stable. 38

    6.8 Zinc chloride market kept dim but stable. 39

    6.9 Zinc sulfate market stable. 39

    7 Related industry developments. 40

    7.1 Global crude steel output increases by 6.8% in 2011. 40

    6.2 Production and sales volumes of auto decrease in 2011. 41

    7.3 Chinese housing construction statistics. 42

    8 Outlook for 2012. 43

    Picture 1 Zinc primary consumption structure. 2

    Picture 2 Zinc final consumption structure. 3

    Picture 3 Zinc ore output and distribution in China in 2011. 4

    Picture 4 China’s CPI and PPI in 2011. 8

    Picture 5 U.S. Dollar Index in 2011. 9

    Picture 6 COMEX crude oil price in 2011USD/barrel. 10

    Picture 7 China zinc concentrate production 2009-2011. 11

    Picture 8 China refined zinc production 2009-2011. 13

    Picture 9 Zinc oxide monthly productions in certain regions in 2011 (unit with T) 19

    Picture 10 Zinc oxide overall productions in certain regions in 2011 (unit with T) 19

    Picture 11 China zinc ore/concentrate import 2010-2011. 21

    Picture 12 Treatment of imported zinc concentrate in 2011. 22

    Picture 13 Import and export of refined zinc in China in 2007-2011. 22

    Picture 14 China refined zinc import & export in 2011. 23

    Picture 15 Import volume of zinc oxide in Jan. to Nov. in 2009-2011. 24

    Picture 16 Chinese import volume of zinc oxide from different countries from Jan. to Dec. 24

    Picture 17 Total import volume of zinc powder from Jan. to Dec. in 2009-2011. 26

    Picture 18 Import of zinc powder from Jan.to Dec. in 2011. 26

    Picture 19 Global refined zinc output and consumption 2005-2011. 28

    Picture 20 Balance between supply and demand of global zinc market in 2005-2011. 28

    Picture 21 Prices of LME zinc in 2011. 29

    Picture 22 Price graph of zinc concentrate 50%min in the Chinese spot market in 2011  30

    Picture 23 Price graph of SHG zinc ingot in the Chinese spot market in 2011. 32

    Picture 24 Price graph of Zamak-3 zinc alloy in China, 2011. 33

    Picture 25 Price graph of zinc oxide 99.7%min in 2011. 35

    Picture 26 Trend of direct method zinc oxide in Jan-Dec 2011(RMB/t) 36

    Picture 27 Price trend of 325mesh first grade in 2011. 37

    Picture 28 Output of Chinese automobiles in 2011. 41

    Picture 29 Sales volume of Chinese automobiles in 2011. 42

    Picture 30 Chinese floor space under construction in 2011. 42

    Picture 31 Chinese Floor Space of Buildings Completed in 2011. 43

    Table 1 Global zinc ore output, reserves and distribution. 3

    Table 2 China’s reserve ration adjustment in 2011. 6

    Table 3 Chinese new zinc smelting projects in 2011 (unit: T) 13

    Table 4 Zinc smelting projects under construction in China (unit: T) 14

    Table 5 Indirect zinc oxide capacity geographical distribution in Chinese Mainland in 2011  15

    Table 6 Capacity of some main direct processed zinc oxide enterprises. 15

    Table 7 Capacity of some main wet processed zinc oxide enterprises. 16

    Table 8 Capacity of some main indirect processed zinc oxide enterprises. 16

    Table 9 Comparison of capacity and production of indirect zinc oxide in 2011. 18

    Table 10 China’s top 10 refined zinc import companies in 2011. 23

    Table 11 Import volume of zinc oxide of enterprises from Jan. to Dec. in 2011 (Unit: kg) 24

    Table 12 Chinese top 10 enterprises to import zinc powder and flakiness powder 26

    Table 13 Average month price for zinc oxide 99.7% in 2011(RMB/t) 35

    Table 14 Statistics of zinc powder metal of Jan-Dec in 2011: (RMB/t) 38

    Table 15 Output of pig iron, crude steel and steel in 2011 in China. 40

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